Webshop.stack v1.2.0 for Stacks with RapidWeaver #webshop #onlineshop #onlinestore #yourhead #rapidweaver #realmac #webtools

webshop.stack Version 1.2.0 of the Webshop.stack was released on 6 October 2024

Changes, additions and improvements:

- Fixed: when Max Order = 0, it did not check the database stock, this is now fixed.

- Fixed: when Stock is less than 'Min.order size' in the Product's settings, a 'Sold out' message is now shonw.

- Renamed the 'English Localization' stack to 'General Localization', because it doesn't necessarily have to be English.

- Added a German, French, Spanish and Dutch localization stacks. It is now possible for your customers to display the webshop in English, German, French, Spanish or Dutch - when you added such sub-stacks under 'Localization'. Obviously we cannot translate your product descriptions.

- Added a field for the name of language in the Localization-stacks. The name is shown in the stack and is used for the language-menu for the webshop.

- Added a default language field to the stack's General-settings. This default will be used when no available language can be determined from the user's webbrowser.

- Added a language menu to the webshop, at the bottom of the Toolbar, with the default, or chosen, language selected. The customer can choose from the published languages. The choice is only valid for the duration of the session.

- Removed localized texts for webshop statistics. I am not going to implement statistics, one can do that via the Excel-exports from the admin-apps.

- Renamed the group 'Stock management Dashboard' to 'Webshop Management Apps'.

- Removed the 'Get push notifications'-checkbox from the group 'Webshop Management Apps'.

- Removed the 'First page'-selection from the group 'Webshop Management Apps'.

- Added a language field to the group 'Webshop Management Apps'. The chosen language will be used in the Webshop Management Applications.

- Added 'Remove all' to the shopping basket on the individual product page. When this action is chosen, the session is cleared and the user is redirected back to the first page of the catalog.

- Made the checkbox 'Allow orders?' in the Product's setting permanently visible, because on reflection it's a more general setting than being bound to the 'Stock available?'-checkbox.

- Improved CSS for the bottom button-bar in the checkout-section. With some themes, the Update/Next buttons became hidden from view.

- Fixed: Address-fields at checkout will be shown when shippable products have been added to cart, regardless if the Address-fields were set to be hidden.

- Fixed: Adding a coupon code to the database did not work and probably resulted in an 'expired' message.

WDF/BA Updates & Improvements


 WDF/BA Updates:

- Added a setting in GP006, LOGOUT-ON-IP-CHANGE, 0/1, to control whether or not a user should be logged out when the IP-address (s)he uses changes.
- Made searching on Country code and Location ID faster in MD000, MD001 and MD002.
- Improved file name cleaning for uploaded files.
- Added logging of data exports.
- Clicking the 'Clear search fields' icon now also clears the drop-down menus.
- Various bug fixes and code improvemnts.

WDF/BA Updates and improvements


 WDF/BA Updates:

- Added database column names to $rsMAIN. Now, when no records are found, the apps can export an empty file with correct column headings.
- Replaced regular string functions by their multi-byte equivalents.
- Added the number of activations and allowed total number of activations to the Serial Number API email response.
- New function : mv_array_count_keys(). This function counts the number of occurrences of a specific key in a one- or multi-dimensional array.
- New function: mv_array_sum(). This functions sums each occurrence of a specific key in a one- or multi-dimensional array.
- Improved function: mv_str_starts_with().
- GP006MNU: Added automatic filling in of a new sequence number for a new entry.
- PFD001: Added /drbd/ path to find uploaded files.
- Added ob_clean() before exporting data to Excel or CSV.
- Various code improvemnets.

Webshop.stack v1.1.1 for Stacks with RapidWeaver

webshop.stack Version 1.1.1 of the Webshop.stack was released on 30 March 2024

Changes, additions and improvements:

- Fixed a bug in WSAPI with the determination of taxes when the country was not listed under 'Countries and Taxes'.

- Improved sending mail to the 'Send copy to' email address.

Webshop.stack v1.1.0 for Stacks with RapidWeaver

webshop.stack Version 1.1.0 of the Webshop.stack was released on 17 March 2024

Changes, additions and improvements:

- Fixed a bug with the determination of taxes when the country was not listed under 'Countries and Taxes'.

Webshop.stack v1.0.9 for Stacks with RapidWeaver

webshop.stack Version 1.0.9 of the Webshop.stack was released on 1 March 2024

Changes, additions and improvements:

- Fixed a bug when 'Apply taxes' in the 'Product' was set to 'None'.

- Fixed a bug when 'Sold out' in the indivudual 'Product' page should (not) be displayed.

- Fixed a bug where an empty coupon code record was inserted in the coupons-table.

- Fixed a bug when the buyer's names were entered without a space in between. Now, an error message is displayed when only one word is found. For example, 'J.Smith' is one word, but 'J. Smith' are two words. The webshop will try to put a space between the last dot and the following word, to avoid the error message. Reason: Paypal and Mollie require a 'first' and 'last' name.

- Fixed a logic error where one could order a product directly from the catalog without seeing, and adding, the availabe options. Now, when any option is detected for a product, the 'View product' button is shown, instead of the 'add-to-cart' buttons.

- In the product-stack's title bar, I gave 'Promoted', 'Show only in versions' and 'NOT published' different colors for better recogition of these important settings.

- The 'Back to catalog'-button in the 'Individual product'-page is now also the same blue/white as the others.

- Added a new checkbox to the 'Product'-stack: 'Allow orders?'. This checkbox only appears when 'Stock available?' is unchecked, and only affects physical products. Normally the 'Sold out' message would appear, but now you can still allow orders, which is very handy for (artisan) products that need manufacturing, or for products for which stock is never kept. When checked, a text 'No stock, allow orders' is shown in the products title bar.

- Added a new admin cq. dashboard page: /files/wsacoupons.php to manage coupons.

Webshop.stack v1.0.8 for Stacks with RapidWeaver

webshop.stack Version 1.0.8 of the Webshop.stack was released on 23 February 2024

Changes, additions and improvements:

- Added a new button 'Remove all' to the products-list under the Cart in the Toolbar, to clear the whole cart at once. This also resets the session.

- The names / descriptions of Options, Costs and Discounts do not have to be unique anymore. You can now use the same description (aka 'key') in various contexts, like different categories or tags.

- Improved database synchronisation of new products and new discount coupons.

- Added a new admin cq. dashboard page: /files/wsaratings.php to moderate product reviews.

- Improved date filters in the WSA-applications.

- Fixed 'required' display bug in Cart options.

Webshop.stack v1.0.7 for Stacks with RapidWeaver

webshop.stack Version 1.0.7 of the Webshop.stack was released on 16 February 2024

Changes, additions and improvements:

- Added an option 'Show only in Versions' in 'Products', under 'Grouping', attached to 'Groups'. When using groups to create 'Versions', you can now exclude products from the 'Catalog' and have them only show up in the 'Product Versions'-bar.

- Added two new admin cq. dashboard pages:

  • /files/wsaproducts.php to manage product's stock.
  • /files/wsadownloads.php to manage digital downloads.
  • (see Stock Management Dashboard for more info).

- Fixed the column titles of the CSV-export in WSA-applications.

- Last sort column and direction are now memorized during the session in WSA-applications.

- Fixed the digital download problem where only a part of the file would be downloaded.

- Fixed other minor issues in WSA-applications.

Webshop.stack v1.0.6 for Stacks with RapidWeaver

webshop.stack Version 1.0.6 of the Webshop.stack was released on 9 February 2024

Changes, additions and improvements:

- When testing your webshop locally, you can now clear the cart's session contents by checking 'Enable maintenance mode', click the 'Preview'-eye, and then uncheck 'Enable maintenance mode'. New products are only added to the database once per user-session, to prevent unnecessary reading of the database at each page load; so when the session is cleared, a new user-session is initiated and thus will the database be updated.

- Fixed the Time Zone in the API file. It now reads the Time Zone from the Webshop's settings.

- Fixed a bug that would prevent products from showing up, when 'Webshop -> Catalog -> Page numbers' was set to 'Bottom'.

- Fixed a bug that would display a wrong month in the product's JSON-LD.

- Added headings 'Discounts' (is also the default) and 'Costs' (is also the default) in the Cart-localization settings.

- Added heading 'Customer' (is also the default) in the Admin-localization settings.

- Added the first admin page: /files/wsaorders.php (see Stock Management Dashboard for more info).

- Added translateable texts and date/time formats to the 'Localization' substack, in the 'Admin'-section.

- Removed some texts from the 'Admin'-section in the 'Localization' substack, because those were never going to be used.

Webshop.stack v1.0.5 for Stacks with RapidWeaver

webshop.stack Version 1.0.5 of the Webshop.stack was released on 25 January 2024

Changes, additions and improvements:

- Improved EU VAT handling regarding combinations between Default Country, VAT Country or no VAT-Country, VAT-ID Prefix or no VAT-ID and Customer's country.



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