WDF/BA Updates and improvements


 WDF/BA Updates:

- Added an exclude-list to GP001 to exclude certain keys from being listed. For these excluded keys, a separate GP001xx should be created.
- Added the posibility to add a 'table' to TinyMCE editable textareas.
- Added an application setting p_NOESCKEY. When true, the escape key is ignored in the data entry mask.
- Added a JS-lightbox to WDF/BA to create slide shows of uploaded photos. Code can be loaded by setting the new application variable p_JS_LIGHTBOX to true.
- Added the global unique form ID to the user checking function, so one can follow the complete transaction in GP000.
- Implemented GP006MNU, a dedicated application to maintain a default menu. The keys for the default menu are now excluded from GP006.

- GP001H fixes; the application now functions properly.
- Various CSS improvements concerning forms inside the footer bar.
- 'Undefined variable' bug fixed in GP014.
- Renamed function 'collectVars()' to 'fw_collectVars()', which shows where the function comes from.
- Improved error checking after calling the Google Distance API in fw_getDistance().

WDF/BA Updates and improvements


 WDF/BA Updates:

- The key combination ALT/OPTION-ENTER now also works in EDIT-mode and puts the focus on the 'Submit'-button. This allows for quick and almost keyboard-only data entry.

- In listview, you can now use the arrow keys to select a record. The page will automatically scroll up or down when you reach the botoom or top. Hit ENTER to open the selected record in VIEW-mode, the hit ALT/OPTION-ENTER + ENTER to start EDIT-mode.

- Fixed a bug with the user's account expiration date.

- Improved the country-selection drop down menu contents, now that country codes have subcountry codes, like 'IT-21', 'US-AK', etc.. in GP008/11/14, MD000/1/2/5.

- Various other fixes and improvements.

Changes, additions and updates


 WDF/BA Updates:

- Faster searching on the date in GP000, PFD000 and PFD001.

- Added the name, and a description, of the cron job to GP002.

- GP002 now also shows if the job is actually running or not, by showing a red number next to Yes/No in column 'Running'.

- Added a function 'mv_checkVATID', which checks a VAT-ID format and then at VIES.

- Added the hostname to the HEAD section of each app.

- Added a 'Log All' switch, which overrides the log level when on a development server, or for a super user on any server.

- Added Chamber of Commerce, Bank data and Payment Term to MD001, and removed it from MD000, where applicable.

- Moved variables used in both interactive and batch applications into a single file.

- Added system variable 'DEFAULTCOUNTRY' (GP006) to GP008, GP011, GP014, MD000 and MD001.

- Added currency data (name, abbreviation, symbol, decimal separator) to countries (GP007).

- Added currency variables, which are read from 'countries', initially with variable 'DEFAULTCOUNTRY'.

- Formatting masks are now formatted after reading currency data.

- Added VAT or GST data (type, high/middle/low %, valid from date) to countries (GP007).

- Added a new function 'mv_generateSerialNumber' to generate a serial number that can be en-/decoded in PHP and Xojo (and other languages if needed).

- Changed database tables and columns from latin1 to utf8. All tables and columns are now utf8.

- Various CSS and Code improvements, and bug fixes.

Improvements and changes


 WDF/BA Updates:

- Timeout of application and 2FA: when logged in via 2FA, the application now times out after 12 hours of inactivity. Note: this can be overridden by the web browser, which can put the inactive tab or window to 'sleep', which means that nothing runs on that page anymore, until it is activated again.

- Improved the Google GPS API call & GP014: remove cq. replace UTF-16 characters or certain ranges of extended UTF-8 characters from a street name.

- GP000: Improved search on short dates/times, like '2022-09-12 05'.

- GP010: Widened the text display of the task description.

Additions, fixes and changes


WDF/BA Updates:

- GP014: New! CO2 emission calculation added. To comply with new regulations, you can now see how much CO2 will be output for a certain from/to address combo. The mean emission value per 100 Km can be set in GP006, by adding a key named 'GEMCO2' and give it a numeric value for the emission in Kg per Km. The formula to calculate the mean value is:

((Liter/100 Km * Kg(C + O2)) / 100)

With a mean value of 2,392 Kg per 100 Km, and a usage of 8 liters gasoline for 100 Km, the formula becomes:

((8 * 2.392) / 100) = 0,19136 Kg per Km

Source: wijkopenautos.nl magazine

- New! A Two Factor Authentication (2FA) module can now be added to your implementation of WDF/BA. It can do 2FA via email and/or text messages (regular SMS). For use with email, you will need an email address + all settings (username, password, mail server, ports) which needs to be configured in WDF/BA to send emails with. For SMS, you wil need an subscription with an SMS provider. WDF/BA 2FA module currently supports MessageBird and Clickatell for sending via SMS. If you want, or need, 2FA for your business, contact me for a quote.

- Added 'scroll into view', which scrolls the list view page to the last examined record, if known to the application. The last examined record has a light blue background.

- Added a new file name cleaning function to clean the names of uploaded files. The following characters are:

  • replaced : ü by u, ç by c, etc. if possible.
  • removed : all non-ascii characters
  • removed : "'~`;:\/()
  • replaced by a - : &
  • replaced by a _ : spaces

- Added Excel / CSV export for TinyMCE text data. Images will not be exported, only text.

- Improved height calculation of text areas.

- Various under the hood improvements and fixes.

Various changes and additions


WDF/BA updates:

- Various under the hood changes and bug fixes.

- Added a modal 'Processing' dialog for interactive processes that might take a while.

- MD005: Added a link next to the username, to the menu editor GP004/MD007

- I did a hacking course and harnessed the framework some more to prevent hacking.

- GP014: Get GPS coordinates via Google, and store them in the distance table. If you want to use this functionality with other addresses, contact me for a quote.



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