Improved logon screen on mobile


WDF/BA update:

- The logon screen is now better laid out on mobile devices.

New log ID 'UniqueFormID'


WDF/BA update:

- Introduced a new log ID: 'Unique Form ID'. This to prevent inserts and updates with back- and forward buttons, and page reloads. Also, it shows all related logging which belongs to one 'UniqueFormID'.

Default application for a user


WDF/BA update:

- Added a radio button in GP004 to select a default application for a user. The selected application is started when the user logs in.

Various changes


WDF/BA update:

- Removed close text from menu and help popup dialogs.

- Consolidated CSS files 'fw.css' and 'fw-extra.css'

- Removed checks for the deprecated webbrowser 'Interent Explorer'

- Improved logo or text handling inside the header bar.

Improve query speed


WDF/BA update:

- GP000: Improved query speed.

FTP and Menu


WDF/BA update:

- Due to changes with logging of paths in the new ProFTPd, some assumptions had to be changed.

- Introduced an internal switch to show, or not show, the menu. If a user has access to only one application, there's no need to show the menu-button.

Server check, UI improvements


WDF/BA updates:

- New, better 'on which server am I running'-check for batch jobs.

- New CSS for drop down menus that use the 'Chosen'-plugin: no border, single thin underline.

- MD005/5W: Added missing HTML-attributes with input fields.



WDF/BA update:

- Improved the positioning of 'Show password' on the login-screen.

Login and UI changes


WDF/BA updates:

- Login errors are now more differentiated internally, to be able to better log what happened.

- CSS changes to input fields, selects and dummy-input fields: no border, just a thin underline.

UI improvements for mobile devices


WDF/BA update:

- Various CSS and code changes for a better mobile experience.



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