SMS, tags, password, multi-delete


WDF/BA updates:

- Introducing sending of SMS messages into the framework. It supports MessageBird and Clickatell. If you use our software, and have another SMS-provider you want to put to use, contact me.

- MD002/5: Improved mobile phone number check.

- MD005: Added a password checker: checks for enough differentiation, repeating characters, etc., and some CSS for the 'bad password' notification.

- GP009: Complete overhaul. Now uses tags, can set email address priority.

- Introduced 'multi-delete' in list-view. This is not something I will automatically added to all existing apps, you have to contact me about an app that doesn't have it, and you want it there. Multi-delete, if present, can be switched on or off via the DELCHKBOX variable. See my older post about setting variables via GP006. If off, the normal delete-icon will be shown, otherwise a checkbox, or switch-toggle.

- Various other under the hood fixes and updates.

Various changes and additions


WDF/BA updates:

- Under the hood changes and updates

- Better interactive feedback when buttons are clicked, by adding a 'processing' image to, or replacing, the button's text or icon:

- Added the SwitchStateButton to the framework.

- Logout fix when a timeout occurred.

- Added a short product code for use in the webbrowsers tab-title.

- Limited data entry length on input fields to prevent hacking via various methods.

- Added the possibility of sending SMS messages into the farmework, via MessageBird (preferred) or Clickatell.

- Added <noscript> tag.

- Improved persistent mobile detection while switching screens and/or applications.

- Improved the browser tab title: diesplay 'test' when you are working in your test environment. Also, you can now determine the browser tab title yourself, via GP006, key 'BROWSERTAB' (create it when not there). The first character in the text field determines the title, so you can copy/paste the text below into the text field :


T = Application Title
S = Short code
P or different = Product name

Various changes and additions


WDF/BA updates:

- Distinguish logging when user logs out manually or is logged out automatically.

- Timeout off when not logged in and not in MD005W.

- Improved logging: data before and after an insert, update or delete are now saved in one JSON string; makes it easy to compare.

- Various under the hood changes.

Various changes and additions


WDF/BA updates:

- Various under the hood changes and bug fixes.

- Added a modal 'Processing' dialog for interactive processes that might take a while.

- MD005: Added a link next to the username, to the menu editor GP004/MD007

- I did a hacking course and harnessed the framework some more to prevent hacking.

- GP014: Get GPS coordinates via Google, and store them in the distance table. If you want to use this functionality with other addresses, contact me for a quote.

Various changes and additions


WDF/BA updates:

- Better modal confirmation dialog positioning.

- You can now set application variables via GP006. I advise against it, unless you are sure that you know what you want. Here is a list with variables you can set:

  • LOGLEVEL: 0 through 9. The lower the number, the less message are logged.
  • EXTRAWIDTH: In pixels; to widen the content area.
  • EXPORT: 0 or 1; allow Excel/CSV-export.
  • EXPORTTYPE: 'csv', 'txt' or 'xls' (without the quotes).
  • EXPORTUSELABELS: 0, 1 or 2; 0 = no column headings, 1 = Short text, 2 = Long text
  • EXPORTHEADER: 0 or 1; Exports information about the app and the date in the first 3 lines.
  • EXPORTFILENAME: Set the file name for the export. If not set, it defaults to PRODUCTNAME_APPNAME_DATETIME.ext
  • EXPORTSEPARATOR: Only valid for non-XLS exports. The column separator to use. If not set, a tab (.txt) or a semicolon (.csv) is used.
  • NODUPLICATEBTN: 0 or 1; enable or disable the 'copy record' button in list-view.
  • NONEWBTN: 0 or 1; enable or disable the 'Add new' button.
  • NOHELPBTN: 0 or 1; enable or disable the 'Help' button.
  • DELCHKBOX: 0 or 1; enable or disable the 'multi-delete' feature in list-view. Note: not all apps have this 'multi-delete'-feature implemented. If you find an app where you need it, and it hasn't this feature, contact me for a quote.
  • SQLLIMITENTRY: 0 or 1; enable or disable the 'Results per page' entry field in the footer.
Create an entry in GP006 with the application's name as key, for example 'GP006', and add each variable you want to set on a new line, in the text field, like so: VARNAME=VALUE

Various changes and additions


WDF/BA updates:

- GP004: Fixed the possibility to edit a menu when in View-only mode.

- Removed the browsertest from all applications, now that Internet Explorer is gone, and all browsers use up-to-date rendering engines.

- Email address verification via updated.

- Filter column on empty value or zero: use a single minus character '-' to to show rows with no data in that column.



WDF/BA update:

- Added zoom-in/out/reset buttons in the footer bar. These are only visible and active on mobile devices. The zoom setting is saved and recalled after a page reload or revisit.

- Various 'under-the-hood' changes.

Various changes and additions


WDF/BA updates:

- Added the possibility to pass more info about the used filters in list view, to the export header.

- Fixed a formatting poblem in Excel/CSV export.

- Position of the confirmation-dialog, when deleting a record, is now a bit higher on screen.

TagEditor styling and Date calculations


WDF/BA updates:

- TagEditor styling: set a maximum width.

- Fixes inside the date calculation routine that could cause 'Passing null to...' errors.

- GP008/10/13: An error message was not translated into the chosen language.

- MD005W: Bug fix.

- Added automatic amount formatting of fields on Excel/CSV export.

ALT-N or Option-N, tags and styling


WDF/BA update:

- Added the keyboard shortcut ALT-N (Windows) / Option-N (macOS) to start a new record. Now you don't have to click the (+) button. This works when there is no input field selected.

- Added a jQuery Tag-Editor to the framework.

- Added an alternating backround to rows in listview; each even row gets a very light grey backround. This helps the eye to follow the data on a row from left to right.



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