WDF/BA Updates and improvements


 WDF/BA Updates:

- Added database column names to $rsMAIN. Now, when no records are found, the apps can export an empty file with correct column headings.
- Replaced regular string functions by their multi-byte equivalents.
- Added the number of activations and allowed total number of activations to the Serial Number API email response.
- New function : mv_array_count_keys(). This function counts the number of occurrences of a specific key in a one- or multi-dimensional array.
- New function: mv_array_sum(). This functions sums each occurrence of a specific key in a one- or multi-dimensional array.
- Improved function: mv_str_starts_with().
- GP006MNU: Added automatic filling in of a new sequence number for a new entry.
- PFD001: Added /drbd/ path to find uploaded files.
- Added ob_clean() before exporting data to Excel or CSV.
- Various code improvemnets.

Changes, additions and updates


 WDF/BA Updates:

- Faster searching on the date in GP000, PFD000 and PFD001.

- Added the name, and a description, of the cron job to GP002.

- GP002 now also shows if the job is actually running or not, by showing a red number next to Yes/No in column 'Running'.

- Added a function 'mv_checkVATID', which checks a VAT-ID format and then at VIES.

- Added the hostname to the HEAD section of each app.

- Added a 'Log All' switch, which overrides the log level when on a development server, or for a super user on any server.

- Added Chamber of Commerce, Bank data and Payment Term to MD001, and removed it from MD000, where applicable.

- Moved variables used in both interactive and batch applications into a single file.

- Added system variable 'DEFAULTCOUNTRY' (GP006) to GP008, GP011, GP014, MD000 and MD001.

- Added currency data (name, abbreviation, symbol, decimal separator) to countries (GP007).

- Added currency variables, which are read from 'countries', initially with variable 'DEFAULTCOUNTRY'.

- Formatting masks are now formatted after reading currency data.

- Added VAT or GST data (type, high/middle/low %, valid from date) to countries (GP007).

- Added a new function 'mv_generateSerialNumber' to generate a serial number that can be en-/decoded in PHP and Xojo (and other languages if needed).

- Changed database tables and columns from latin1 to utf8. All tables and columns are now utf8.

- Various CSS and Code improvements, and bug fixes.



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